Dental Implant FAQ

Will I have temporary teeth during the healing phase?

After we place the implant and before your general dentist attaches the crown, there is a healing phase that may leave you with space where your new tooth will be in your smile. Many options are available to fill the space and keep your teeth functioning like normal. Your general dentist will make recommendations that best suit your case.

are dental implants like real teeth?

The quick answer: yes! Dental implants are a permanent solution to your missing teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Will I need to miss work for dental implant surgery?

After allowing a day or two for rest and relaxation, most patients find they are comfortable enough to return to work. However, if your procedure involved three or more implants, you may want to take at least two days off. Those who have a full arch of implants may need around 4 or more days of rest.

What happens if i am missing a lot of teeth?

If you are looking to restore many teeth, implant-supported dentures allow us to attach a full arch of prosthetic teeth to a few implants. This is a great option for those who need multiple teeth provided by a denture, but don't want to deal with the hassle of traditional dentures. We can also place a full arch of fixed (non-removable) implants that will function and look like natural teeth.

Do I have enough bone for dental implants?

After tooth extraction, the walls of the socket usually fill with bone in two to three months. If the walls of your socket are thinner, like those of your upper and lower front teeth, healing is not as predictable. When this happens, we can place a bone graft at the time of tooth extraction to help your body fill the socket. This process will help maintain the width and volume of bone needed for implant placement later on.

are there risks and complications associated with dental implants?

Dental implants are a great restorative option and have a success rate of up to 98%. The procedure has been around for decades, with constant improvements and discoveries made throughout that time. The risks of the procedure itself are very low and resemble those of other minor surgical procedures that result from infection, injury to adjacent teeth, etc.

How long do dental implants last?

Based on current studies, a properly placed and well cared for dental implant can last as long as 25 years. Advances in technology continue to lengthen that timeline and give us a great shot at keeping them for life.

how long until I have my permanent teeth?

At the 4-month mark, you return to our office where your healing is confirmed with an x-ray. If appropriate, your healing abutment is placed in preparation for your general dentist to make the permanent restoration.

How do I care for my implants?

Care for your implants is the same as care for your natural teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once daily, and visit your dentist regularly.

Dr. Pasternak and our knowledgable staff at Superior Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery are always available to answer any additional questions you have about our procedures.

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Contact our office at (248) 829-3635 or use the form below to request a consultation.